25 Days of Welsh Gin | 25 Diwrnod of Jin Cymreig: #11 - Stillers, Silk Roots 0%, 70cl

Today's gin drink is Stillers, Silk Roots 0%, 70cl
Jin heddiw yw Stillers, Silk Roots 0%, 70c

Stillers Silk Roots Alcohol-Free Gin Drink

Silk Roots draws it’s inspiration from the ancient trading route, the Silk Road and contains herbs and spices traditionally traded along this route from India into Europe. It is an intense aromatic blend with sweetness and warmth from clove and cardamom which is complemented by spicy pungent notes from cinnamon and sweetness and bitterness from citrus.

Jin di alcohol gyda chymysgedd o persawrau melys, clof a chardamom.

Check out Stiller's other alcohol-free gin drinks:
Cymerwych olwg ar ei hystod llawn:
Stillers, Celtic Myst 0%, 70cl